Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Motivation

Hello Again!

I hope everyone was able to get through their weekends with out my post, but I had a very busy weekend.  And I will be honest, I did not eat the healthiest and I could have worked out more than I did.  So I would like to tally all that it is okay to fall off track sometimes.  Sometimes we just get too busy and we may not find the time to workout and grabbing a sandwich from Sheetz may be easier than making a healthy dinner at home.  But the important thing to learn from weekends like this are to get back on track and get back into our healthy habits.  Easter is coming and for me that means big family dinners.  I am going to get back on track this week.  I will workout everyday, I will eat healthy, and I will not have any cheat days.  Together we can all make it through another week by falling our diets and eating healthy.  If I can do it, you can too!


  1. Morgan I fell you with the falling off track every once and a while. I know I eat really healthy until Thursday night then I have what I call a "cheat" weekend. I am sure it is not healthy for me but food makes me happy so I am happy. Also it is good to hear you are getting back on track this week at least one of us is being healthy with no cheat meals. Good luck and enjoy being fit

  2. I hear your motivational message and can't wait to get back to the gym. I am just frustrated that I am really not allowed to do anything but work and rest (per the doctor) for at least another week! Guess I will just focus on eating healthy this week.
